Altinn login
Logging in – Altinn
Altinn – Logging in
ID-porten/MinID/BankID. ID-porten is the primary way to log in to Altinn, and is a common log-in solution for many Norwegian public services.
ID-porten/MinID/BankID – Altinn
Altinn – ID-porten/MinID/BankID
ID-porten is the primary way to log in to Altinn, and is a common log-in …
Innlogging – Altinn
Altinn – Innlogging
Her finner du ulike innloggingsmetoder som gir brukere som har behov som ikke dekkes av ID-porten muligheten til å logge inn i Altinn. Diverse om innlogging.
Altinn alternative log-in methods
Altinn – Altinn alternative log-in methods
To use this log-in method you need to register a password under Profile → …
ID-porten/MinID/BankID – Altinn
Altinn – ID-porten/MinID/BankID
ID-porten/MinID/BankID. ID-porten er den primære innloggingskanalen til Altinn og er en felles innloggingsløsning for mange offentlige tjenester.
Altinn – Start
Altinn – din digitale dialog med det offentlige. Her finner du skjema, meldinger og relevant informasjon. Logg …
Log in without national identity number/D-number – Altinn
Altinn – Log in without national identity number/D-number
To use this log-in method you first need to create a new user.
What is login information used for? – Altinn
Altinn – What is login information used for?
The information you supply here is used for Alternative log-in methods → Password and SMS. This is used for example when submitting from a computer system.
How can I log in as a business? – Altinn
Altinn – How can I log in as a business?
To be able to represent others, you must either be registered with a role for …
Password only – Altinn
Altinn – Password only
To use this log-in method you need to register a password under Profile …
Keywords: altinn login